Vacation Withdrawal Application for your use to receive your vacation benefit for 2024. If you have not already submitted a completed application to the Fund office, please fill out this form in its entirety and return it to the Fund office for use in processing your vacation payout. As you may know, the payout is issued each year on or around April 1.
Download:Vacation Form.pdf
Workers in Alabama – and all across America – are voting on whether to organize a union in their workplace. It’s a vitally important choice – one that should be made without intimidation or threats by employers.
— President Biden (@POTUS) March 1, 2021
Every worker should have a free and fair choice to join a union. pic.twitter.com/2lzbyyii1gThe Delegates of the 40th IBEW International Convention, which was conducted in Chicago, IL during the week of May 9-13, 2022, approved several amendments to Article IX of the IBEW Constitution.
IBEW delegates from across North America came together on May 9, 2022, for the 40th gathering of the IBEW’s most important governing body, its Convention. This assembly of leaders from across the IBEW fulfills the mandate in our Constitution to choose our leaders, set and confirm our policies and renew the values at the heart of the world’s greatest union. https://ibew.
The IBEW International President is encouraging the formation of a veterans committee at the local union level. Whether it is organizing the local Veteran’s Day parade, sending care packages to troops overseas, or staffing a job fair booth at a nearby base, etc.
We would like to thank Smart Shopper Discount Grocery located on 4950 E Busch Blvd for their continuous donations to the James Elementary Food Pantry
Registering and logging into the new site. Working with the new site (Dues, Jobs, and Information).
Book I will be able to sign the books for the 1st time online or by email. To do this you need to click on the Green button on the right of the website and register if you have not done so already.
At James Elementary School, we are dedicated to serving our families. We are excited to announce that we have partnered with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers of Tampa Bay. The food pantry is available for all our James Elementary families and will be open every other Thursday from 8 AM-10:00 AM.
Please note the following changes have been made to the Chemical Plant Safety Training schedule.
If you would like to receive the Electrical Worker via email click here and sign up today.
The NECA/IBEW Powering America team is involved with many projects that make an impact on communities around the country. One industry they focus on in particular is healthcare.
Your Contract
Download the current collective bargaining agreement.
Register to Vote
Make your voice count, register to vote.
Download important documents and information.IBEW Kids CornerImportant LinksIBEW USA Apprenticeship Hour Power PowerNet Credit Union Serving the needs of Tampa Bay electricians for over 100 years.
Local 915 fights for hard-working families. Get involved today!
Take Action!*******NEW LOCATION********* Third Monday of each month 11:30AM at: Roes Deli 5851 Park Blvd N Pinellas Park*******NEW LOCATION********* Third Monday of each month 11:30AM at: Roes Deli 5851 Park Blvd N Pinellas Park